About Us
Our Mission
To help business owners and entrepreneurs access resources, market their business, and connect with members of the community.

Our Story
Originally chartered in 1920, the Lexington Area Chamber of Commerce has worked for more than 100 years to improve opportunities for businesses and individuals in the community.
The Lexington Area Chamber of Commerce provides many services that benefit our community. The organization sponsors and organizes events that bring visitors to Lexington. They develop promotions which benefit the members of the Chamber of Commerce. Networking events offer members opportunities to meet and learn from other business people in our community. The Chamber of Commerce also serves as a resource center for member businesses and for those interested in visiting our community or locating a business here.
Our Stories
This is a place where we harvest the fruits of our labor. That’s what the McFarlands have been doing in Lexington, Nebraska for over 21 [...]
Chances are when you visit Lexington, Nebraska, you’ll eat some bread from Amy’s Bakery. You just won’t know it. Many of the restaurants in Lexington [...]
This is a place where hard work creates majestic opportunities. That’s what happened at this theater — over 200 students gutted and rebuilt this theater [...]